The Last Wolf of England is a story-rich, atmospheric, adventure game for PC and consoles, focusing on exploration and storytelling, using visual and mechanical elements to show the growth of the character throughout the gameplay experience. It is a world that can be explored at any pace, allowing the player to take their time and simply relax in one spot, enjoying the scenery and music, dwelling on the story and characters they have met so far.

Since I am a narrative designer, not a coder, this text-based Twine game goes through the major story beats of the game, as well as establishes the world and characters found within.

The main inspirations from this game are Sable, Outer Wilds, Firewatch, Spiritfarer, Journey, and The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, as well as a whole host of mythology and folklore from all over the world, particularly Celtic, Germanic, and pre-Christian England. This idea for the game came about when playing The Legend of Zelda, wanting to simply ride around and enjoy the landscape but constantly interrupted by enemies popping up. This game is the answer to that problem.

Art by Farrah Alice Black (@rambunctious_scallywag)

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